by Karl Hudson | Jan 7, 2014 | Pay Per Click Marketing
When to Use PPC Ads on Google AdWords:
The main reason that you should use PPC ads should always be about timing. When you need to attract short-term traffic to a new website or to one that needs to meet its quarterly goals, there is never a better time to initiate a PPC campaign. Since PPC’s aren’t going to net your longe-term SEO goals that are effective, just be sure to understand that you are not going to impress anyone with metrics coming off of a PPC advert unless they have absaloutley no clue about how they work or understand that it is only short-term in nature of AdWord’s ads.
In fact, using PPC to build up organic traffic is probably the most cost-effective use of paid ads. Obviously this only works for new websites or new parts to websites that haven’t really got a stable SEO platform built for them yet. These situations are used to increase your “findability”, just be certain that the content you have on the site will draw those “finds” in-it makes no sense to run a PPC if your bounce rate is going to see a higher rise than your sales. Research is always key.
You can also use PPC ads if you have a particularly small site. Obviously, i dont advise your site stays this way. Although in some niche markets it is very marketable and infact much better to keep the sight small. This can be to make the customers feel more close to the business than a cold giant business. In this instance you will need to pretty much rely on PPC ads to get going. Onsite SEO isn’t really going to make a big impact, so outside of advertising and word-of-mouth / blog / links, you’re going to have to get traffic in any other way possible.
Keeping Your PPC Ads Efficient:
Of course, knowing when to apply your PPC ads is only half the battle-the other half is knowing how to run them. To steer clear of waste, you have to follow a few simple rules of AdWords ads:
Keep your PPC ads targeted. This doesn’t just mean keyword targeting, but intent of customer.
Disqualify with negative words. You don’t just want to attract, you want to eliminate leads that will raise your click-through-rate (CTR) without the need for making a purchase.
Don’t bid on position. Big Mistake. You want dedicated leads clicking so you don’t pay for bounces. Bid on conversions rather than ad position since someone looking for your product or service will click on a few. This lowers your spend and increases your ROI.
Keep your eye on the prize. It’s easy to start looking at other metrics such as page view instead of gawking at the number of leads and clients you’re generating with your PPC.
Don’t Let Google make you Panic!
The bottom line here is you dont want to be forced into using PPC ads just because your in need of your keyword data that you have been placing all of your faith in. Trust me, using PPC adds at the wrong time and in the wrong way is detrumental to your wallet. Try switching your SEO tactics instead. This will work much better than being pushed into PPC at the wrong time.
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by Karl Hudson | Oct 12, 2013 | Pay Per Click Marketing
The purpose of PPC is divert traffic to websites, where advertisers pay the publisher (normally a website owner) when the ad is clicked. Advertisers normally bid on keyword phrases linked to their target market. The more you bid (or pay) the higher your ad will be in the listing.
A keyword phrase are the words that a target customer would type into a search engine – for example – “how to set up a self independant work from home business”. The search engine will then display both ‘organic’ and paid listings. When the customer clicks on a paid result option, the advertiser will pay for that click.
To set up a PPC campaign, you write an ad and list the keywords that you are going to be using for your website with a click provider. Then these will appear in the form of an advertisement, the potential prospects to your website can then check out. There are different aspects that you should be aware of when using PPC for your work from home business website:
Use Specific Link Keywords in Your PPC Marketing Campaign
People will click on your keywords and be expecting to be taken to a relevant website with a subject matter that is related to the keywords within the ad. If they do not see anything that is relevant to what was offered in the link, they will leave and the click that you paid for would be a waste of money.
Use the Right Keywords
When you’re using keywords you should always check the search engines themselves. For example with the Google Keyword Tool. The keywords with highest results on the search are the ones that you should use in your marketing campaign. The right keyword means that you will hit a larger amount of potential customers. Really think carefully about which ones to use and also research into how many times they are searched in google.
Budget Your PPC Campaign
You can control the number of paid clicks your website can receive in any given day. This is advantageous for the work from home business owner as you will be able to control how much money that you are willing to spend on advertising each day.
Control Your Campaign
You can choose to pause your PPC marketing campaign whenever you like. Sometimes with a work from home business website, you may not be able to monitor your account for a few days or even weeks. If this is the case, you can pause your account and you will not have any advertising money spent during this pause. You can even schedule what dates specifically you would like your campaign to run on and when to switch of to make things even simpler.
Check the Terms and Conditions
Just about all of the PPC provider sites require that you stick to a certain set of rules and regulations. Each of these terms and conditions vairy for each provider. You need to be certain to read through these rules carefully and follow them constantly. This will save you a lot of time, frustration, and headache later being rejected by the provider for not following their rules.
Monitor Your Campaign
Remember to constantly monitor the number of clicks which you receive on your work from home website and where they are generating from. You will want to continue bidding only on the keywords that are actually bringing traffic to your website. You should delete the keywords that aren’t bringing the results that you are looking for. Otherwise you are paying money for nothing.
Have Patience
You need to have alot of patience with your PPC Marketing Campaign for your work from home business. Almost all the PPC publishers offer help and you should contact them before calling your PPC marketing campaign a complete failure. They will be able to provide you with possible solutions to get better results on your site. Even doing some research and speaking to them prior to running your campaign may be the key to getting a result from the start of your campaign to the finish. Success!
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by Karl Hudson | Sep 17, 2013 | Pay Per Click Marketing
PPC advertising can be a long-term and a short-term strategy. This is because you can control your campaign as much as you want to. It all depends on your budget. If you are profiting from your campaign, you can leave it running indefinitely. If you are on a tight budget, you can run the ads for as long as your budget will allow, then pause your campaign at any time. Researching into prime locations and prime keywords for you budget may be best way to capitalise on a tight budget. Just one thing to keep in mind.
What Is Pay-Per-Click & Where Do I Do It?
Pay-per-click advertising is often referred to as performance-based advertising. Basically, you pay for the results.
To put this in context, think of Outdated traditional newspaper classified advert. You needed to pay per word to run your advertisement. Similarly, you may have come across some websites that will let you run a banner advertisement for some amount of time if you give an up front payment. The problem with that form of advertising is that you have no guarantee about results. You could spend alot of money on “pay up front” advertisements, and end up going broke if your advertisement performs poorly.
The pay-per-click method of advertising, however, gives advertisers like you the advantage by letting you control your advertising costs. Instead of being charged for publication or advertisement exposure, your ads are run for free.
You don’t actually pay anything until someone clicks one of the link to your website hence the term “pay-per-click”.
Where To Run Pay-per-Click Ads
PPC ads are delivered by the pay-per-click search engines, like: Google AdWords Program. Google AdWords is leading the way in the pay-per-click industry. With the highest volume and traffic quality. However, it is also the most competitive and the most expensive. Bing Ads includes all of the engine formerly participating in the Overture program. High volume and traffic quality, but still requires careful research to find the cheapest clicks. As with everything in business you must research.
However, there are also a handful of small PPC engines (slightly lower volume) which offer high-quality traffic. You can use a mix of PPC engines in your campaign, especially if you want to get the most traffic possible for your budget. Don’t rely on only on PPC engine. This would not be the most effective way of getting a higher Click Through Rate (CTR).
Also, make sure you use both the large and small networks. The best thing to do if you are new to all this is choose just one of the major players and one of the smaller players. Doing this ensures you get the taste for which gives you the higher-quality traffic and if it is more cost effective for your company to use smaller or larger players in the game.
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by Karl Hudson | Jun 21, 2013 | Pay Per Click Marketing
Pay Per Click or PPC as it is commonly known as by the users of this strategy in Internet Advertising. This allows the viewer to navigate to different sites while clicking and the advertiser pays the publisher, by the number of hits or clicks the viewer makes. This is certainly a brilliant way to get paid, although it is an advantage for the advertiser.
The search engines set up allows targeted words to be posted in various articles or advertisements. Which will appeal to the target audience who visit the different sites. They click on these targeted words, and the publisher gets paid. The content site will charge a fixed rate or price per click and there in turn has no need for bidding on payment.
Surfing is the objective to these sites as there is no generalised portal or main searching requirement. The surfer or vistor will only visit the site to get a little or alot of information as the case may be. This PPC model provides purchasing options whenever and wherever the surfer maybe viewing. These sites are generally posted as ads or banners which is seen by the surfer and when clicked will generate what is called percentage of revenue to the affiliated site. Who have subscribed to this sort of incentive. The benefit is viewed as a win, win situation. The viewer gets information, and the option to purchase. The advertiser gets his product seen by thousands+ individuals and the publisher gets paid.
This kind of advertising is efficient and effective as it tells the advertiser how advantages his product is to him. It allows the advertiser to see how viable his product is and will help him to decide whether or not to allow this product to stay in the market. If the product is viable, the number of clicks that are generated will severely affect what is called click through rates (CTR), and these results in Pay-Per-Click(PPC).
PPC can attract fraud, as persons will go on sites and perpetrate what is called click fraud. Google has automatic systems in place to counter such corrupt and unscrupulous people and their activities.
There are two different types of PPC modules, and they are used by businesses who determine the viability of either, for their business. They are; Flat rate PPC and Bid-based PPC. In the Flat Rate PPC, the advertiser and publisher agree on a flat rate for the product, per click. With the Bid-based PPC, this is made to be more like an auction. The publisher holds a private auction for several advertisers, who then in turn, post private bids for the amount they are willing to pay for an allocated ad space. Whenever the space is clicked or visited. Usually, this is performed in a search engine results page; and the automatic bid occurs.
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by Karl Hudson | Mar 31, 2013 | Pay Per Click Marketing
Using the internet to advertise products and services is not only extremely effective, it is also very competitive. When it comes to getting traffic (viewers/potential customers) to a website there are many options. Two of the most popular are pay-per-click and search-engine-optimization (SEO).
Getting your website to the top of the rankings in the search engines is the name of the game and pay-per-click and SEO are targeted for doing just that. There is one big difference between the two methods; time. With pay-per-click you can have a campaign up and in the sponsored listings in minutes; SEO on the other hand can take several weeks or months to get your website ranked.
Pay-per-click is quite simply one of the easiest and cheapest ways to advertise on the internet today, as long as you do your research. Most search engines offer some form of pay-per-click advertising program. While they may differ in the user interface and how ads are ranked they all have one thing in common. Every time a web surfer clicks an the ad that advertiser has to pay a fee.
There are pros and con’s when it comes to a pay-per-click marketing campaign. If you monitor your campaigns closely and continually learn from you mistakes it can be a very effective money maker. One of its biggest pros is you don’t have to fine tune your web pages to adjust your position in the search engines. It is all based on how much you are bidding and how well your page converts.
One of the biggest pros is how quickly and easily you can get an ad up and diverting traffic to your web site. Once you set up your ad, your bids and the link to your website you are up and running. There is nothing too technical about it; it just comes down to learning about your market and giving them what they want.
The con of a pay-per-click business is that you are essentially engaging in a bidding war. The higher bidder gets the higher position in the search results. If you are outbid your position will drop. To regain your position you will have to raise your bid which can result in less profit. The more popular the keywords you’re bidding on the higher the bids are going to be.
All it takes is some simple math to figure out if your pay-per-click campaign is cost effective. What you need to figure out is what the cost per click of each visitor to your site is and how much profit per click you are or will be expecting to make is. Most marketers base this on 100 clicks and a 1% conversion rate. If your product costs $25 then you need to figure what the break even point is for your highest bid. For every 100 clicks you get one sale worth $25. That breaks down to a profit per click of 25 cents to break even. But this is a business and the idea is to make a profit. Any bid under 25 cents will be profitable and the lower you can bid and keep a good position the bigger the return on investment (ROI).
Learning everything you can about keyword research and how they relate to the market you are targeting is the key to pay-per-click success. There is no limit to the amount of keywords you can use and the more targeted means a bigger ROI.
Your ad copy is the most crucial part of your pay-per-click marketing. Your description of what product you are offering needs to be as specific as possible to attract visitors who are looking to buy what you are offering. Keep it in mind that pay-per-click ads are short and to the point. The words you use must be specific, to the point and enticing to potential buyers.
Once you have a pay-per-click campaign up and running it is vitally important that you monitor your bids and ad placement. Trying to get a top ranking is not always necessary, but you do want to be in the middle of the first page. By keeping close track of your bids you can keep the battle going for the prime positions and create the greatest return on investment. The whole purpose of pay-per-click marketing is to make money, not win the bidding war. In many ways you would rather win the battle than the War with PPC advertising.
To win at pay-per-click marketing you must not only monitor your campaigns closely but you must also analyze and research visitor behavior and the markets you are engaged in. You must take all these considerations into account to insure that your pay-per-click campaigns are a success.
by Karl Hudson | Feb 12, 2013 | Pay Per Click Marketing
People often get taken back when they hear the term pay per click (PPC), If they are not familiar with online advertising. It increasingly gets worse when you inform them, PPC advertising can increase their Return on Investment (ROI).
Infact, PPC is quite an easy thing to understand if you consult with a PPC expert to find enlightenment on the full details. Before one goes to consult an expert, I wrote this article in hope that it will shed some light on the advantages of PPC advertisements.
Pay per click, commonly abbreviated to PPC, is an online advertising
method. This is used to create a text format advert that then is placed
on the results page within search engines. The Ad normally appears to the side and on top of the organic search results. You only pay for the advertising campaign if people click on your ad. Hence, the term “Pay per click”. Now, it’s time to inform you of the main advantages
of this advertising method:
- Immediate Results: It is without doubt a faster solution to recieve immediate results in terms of getting visitors to a website when compared to SEO (Search Engine Optimisiation). This is due to the full benefits of an SEO campaign taking weeks or months to become apparent. With PPC, your Ad will be visible on the search result page once your PPC campaign with either Yahoo, MSN or Google goes live. Within your campaign you set the amount you are willing to pay per click. This allows you to outbid other competitors so potentially your Ad will be displayed in the first PPC position. (The best position).
- Cost Control: You control your budget spent on each campaign. This is one way to make sure your marketing plan for different sections of your products or services offered, will achieve the best targeted result. For instance, you may only want to spend $ 60 daily for product A and $ 150 daily for product B.
- Geographically Targeted: A key benefit of using PPC advertising is that you can target your audience geographically. You do not need to have a physical store in Britain in order to target potential clients from Britain. All you need to do in the PPC campaign settings is select Britain as the targeted country. As a result, it will help you target highly qualified visitors to your website.
- Seasonal Marketing Approach: If you sell a product or service that depends on the season, such as only being needed during the festive season, then PPC campaign can help you create a tactical campaign during the required time period. You can actually define Ad scheduling where you choose to run your campaign only on the exact days and in fact the hours you want. If you have certain promotion on a specific day, PPC is definitely your solution to reach the online crowd.
As an Internet Marketing company we help multiple clients to reach their business goals online. PPC is a validated technique that we use for quality control analysis if asked for by our clients.
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